Permissable uses include the following pursuant to (§42-1-206 and §24-72-204, C.R.S.) (Driver Privacy Protection Act 18USC 2721)
"By a business that will use the information to verify the accuracy of information submitted by individuals for the purposes of preventing fraud, pursuing legal remedies against or recovering a debt or security interest."
"In connection with a civil, criminal, administrative or arbitral proceeding in any court or before a self-regulatory body, including process service, investigation, execution of judgment, or pursuant to a court order."
"By a government agency, including any court or law enforcement agency performing its functions for an approved purpose under DPPA."
"By an agency charged with driver/motor vehicle safety or theft including: Mv product alterations, recalls, advisories, Mv performance monitoring, Mv parts/dealers, Mv market research or surveys, removal of non-owner records from original owner records of Mv manufacturers."
"In research activities (the information may not be published, redisclosed, or used to contact the parties)."
"By an insurer or insurance support agency in connection with claims, investigations, anti-fraud activities, rating or underwriting."
"To provide notice to owners of towed or impounded vehicles."
"By an employer/agent or insurer of a Commercial Driver's License holder."
"In the operation of private toll facilities."
"Attached is a written consent of the person whose record is being requested"